“Toxic femininity is promoted in a surprising amount of the media we consume,” said Saba Harouni Lurie, LMFT, the owner and founder of Take Root Therapy.
Recently, on Vietnamese TikTok, I have noticed an astonishing amount of content instructing women on how to act "like a lady" or seduce a man. Possibly this might promote toxic femininity, a concept involving the restriction of behavior to fit stereotypically feminine traits that are supposedly pleasing to men. Or even some videos state how the feminist movement harms their "feminine energy". These videos often misinterpret the true essence of feminism, leading to widespread misconceptions and confusion. Sadly, it is not only going viral but also being shared and avocated by a huge number of females in Vietnam.
What is “Toxic femininity”?
Toxic femininity refers to situations where women are either overtly coerced to adhere to traditional stereotypes or when they strive to embody these stereotypes voluntarily. As per licensed therapist Meaghan Rice, PsyD, LPC, toxic femininity arises from societal rigid frameworks and is continually endorsed by individuals. It often occurs as an unconscious attempt to gain validation or acceptance in a male-dominated society.
It is characterized by stereotypically "feminine" traits like:
passivity, altruism, and caregiving
compliance, deference, or docility
sympathy and kindness
domestic and family-focused values
To be clear, there is absolutely no issue with possessing these traits. However, they become harmful when one is compelled to display them, or when they are overstated while disregarding one's own needs.
(Sources: High Net Worth)
Examples of toxic femininity include:
A parent persistently urging you to bear children as it's "a woman's duty."
Someone suggests that you're single because men find your assertiveness "threatening."
A social media influencer declared that "authentic women are curvy."
Therefore, toxic femininity not only limits women's potential and freedom but also contributes to the perpetuation of gender inequality.
The Toxic Femininity Challenge Feminism in Vietnam
The challenge that toxic femininity presents to feminism, particularly in a society like Vietnam, that is deeply rooted in traditional views, cannot be overstated. Vietnam, like many societies, is steeped in tradition, and challenging these established norms often results in pushback. Stereotypes and patriarchal structures remain deeply entrenched, and the fight for gender equality continues. This fight is not just against outdated societal norms, but also against misconceptions about what feminism actually stands for.
One of these misconceptions is viewing feminism as a threat to traditional values, rather than what it truly is: a call for equality and respect for all genders. This misunderstanding leads to resistance and further entrenches harmful stereotypes. The reality is that feminism is not a threat to traditional values, but rather a movement that advocates for the rights of all individuals, regardless of their gender, to be treated with respect and equality.
In addition to these misconceptions, the role of social media in shaping opinions and perceptions about feminism cannot be ignored. In particular, platforms like TikTok, which do not have age-restricted content (those over 13 can use TikTok and access all the content on it), are instrumental in spreading both positive and negative information about feminism. The lack of age restrictions means that a broad audience, including impressionable young people, has access to this information. When negative or misleading information about feminism is shared, it can lead to a misunderstanding of what feminism truly stands for.
The impact of this is far-reaching. Young people are the future leaders of our society, and their perceptions and understanding of feminism will shape the society of the future. If they are misinformed about the true meaning and goals of feminism, it can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and hinder the progress toward gender equality. Hence, it is crucial to ensure that accurate and positive information about feminism is being shared and disseminated, particularly on platforms that have a wide and impressionable audience.
However, we also have many other content creators clarifying the above misconceptions, such as Giang Oi, Moonotes,… Their work has led to a greater understanding of feminism and its principles, and they continue to challenge the harmful stereotypes perpetuated by toxic femininity. As the conversation continues, it's clear that the fight for equality is far from over, but these content creators and advocates give us hope for a more balanced and inclusive future.
In conclusion, the struggle against toxic femininity and the fight for feminism in Vietnam is a testament to the resilience and determination of those advocating for gender equality. It is a battle that is fraught with challenges, but also filled with hope. Every step forward, every stereotype challenged, and every harmful norm debunked brings us closer to a future where toxic femininity is a thing of the past, and where feminism is recognized and respected for what it truly is: a movement for equality, respect, and freedom for all, regardless of gender.
https://kidmatterscounseling.com/blog/5-things-parents-need-to-know-about-tik-tok/#:~:text=Whatis the Age Limit,when new users sign up.
I'm glad someone is addressing the misconceptions about feminism. More power to you!
I appreciate your efforts in raising awareness about feminism. Let's all do our part to inspire action and bring about change.
toxic feminity is no joke right guys?
So meaningful! This is such an important conversation. It's crucial to address the gender inequality that still exists in our societies.
so helpful